432 research outputs found

    A characterization of acyclic preferences on countable sets

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    In this paper a new numerical representation of preferences (by means of set-valued real functions) is proposed. Our representation extends the usual utility function (in case preferences are preorder-type) as well as the pairwise representation (in case preferences are interval-order type). Then, we provide a characterization of acyclic preference relations on countable sets as those admitting a set-valued numerical representation.

    Prevención de insuficiencia venosa en atención primaria : estudio preliminar

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    42 páginas.Trabajo Fin de Máster Universitario en Flebología y Linfología (2015/16). Tutor: Jaime Conde García ; Cotutores Externos: Ángeles Fernández Recamales, Ana Sayago Gómez. La enfermedad venosa crónica es una patología que consume una importante cantidad de recursos sanitarios constituyendo una de las causas de solicitud y tratamiento más frecuentes en atención primaria, englobando en su asistencia a diferentes profesionales sanitarios. Su alta prevalencia y morbilidad que conllevan debe de ser tenida en cuenta por los profesionales de atención primaria. En atención primaria uno de los objetivos primordiales es el fomento de la salud, y la prevención de la enfermedad, con este objetivo principal se llevó a cabo este estudio en la unidad de gestión clínica de Punta Umbria. En este trabajo se evaluaron los factores relacionados con la insuficiencia venosa crónica con el objetivo de conseguir una mejora en el cuidado, reducir los efectos secundarios y prevenir la aparición de esta patología mediante medidas higiénico sanitarías junto con un diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad. Para ello se realiza un estudio en el que se incluyeron 37 pacientes perteneciente a la localidad de Punta Umbría (Huelva), de ambos sexos, actividades profesionales diferentes, con rango de edad comprendida entre los 30 y 70 años, todos portadores de signos o síntomas de insuficiencia venosa crónica según clasificación de la (CEAP), a los que se realiza una anamnesis y exploración física y en busca de IVC. En el análisis de los resultados obtenidos se puede observar como el nivel más grave se da entre hombres, a mayor edad y talla y en pacientes con mayor perímetro abdominal y con obesidad mórbida Respecto al estilo de vida, se observa como el sedentarismo, el tabaquismo y los hábitos dietéticos poco saludables afectan negativamente, aumentando la gravedad de la patología. Parámetros clínicos como el colesterol y la tensión sistólica y diastólica en torno a 150 y 90 mm de Hg, respectivamente, también inciden negativamente. Otros factores considerados como los antecedentes familiares y mayor número de embarazos en el caso de las mujeres, también se relacionan con un mayor nivel de la clasificación CEAP. Los pacientes cuya profesión con largos periodos en bipedestación presentan valores más elevados de CEAP. Finalmente, la pesadez de piernas parece que es un síntoma que aumenta a medida que se eleva el nivel de gravedad de la patología, mientras que la aparición de prurito no parece verse afectada por la gravedad

    “Ride-hailing” services and motor vehicle crashes in peripheral areas of Madrid, Spain

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    The fast growth of “ride-hailing” platforms such as Uber or Cabify poses important challenges and questions in the cities where they are implemented. According to an official Uber report, in 2018 the company made 14 million trips a day. This new offer of services could improve the supply to segments of demand that previously had greater difficulties in accessing taxis or public transport, for example, young people who moving for leisure, low-income families or residents in the periphery of the cities. When the number of vehicles is lower, they tend to concentrate in the central areas, leaving relatively more remote areas without efficient service. This paper, with a novel approach, has an objective to analyze the impact of ride-hailing platforms on traffic accidents with at least one dead or seriously injured person in the Madrid municipality from 2014 to 2018 and seeing whether, since their arrival, the most vulnerable districts have reduced traffic accidents with young drivers who had consumed alcohol. For it, a regression analysis has been carried out using a Random-Effects Negative Binomial Regression (RENB). The results of the model show that Uber and Cabify services are related to reducing urban accidents. Moreover, in the case of the most vulnerable districts, accidentality with young people and presence of alcohol has also been reduced

    Sareari adimena gehitzen: machine learning eta gaitasun kognitiboen sarrera sare-mailako monitorizaziorako eta matxuren diagnostikorako

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    Ohiko sare-ereduak erabiliz belaunaldi berriko sareen ezaugarri espezi-fikoek ez dute kudeaketa egokia ahalbidetzen: izan ere, ezin ditu kontuan hartu eskala doiketa, heterogeneotasuna eta agertoki hauen konplexutasuna. Beraz, beharrezkoa da komunikazio sistema hauen diseinu eta kudeaketarako paradigma berriak definitzea. Modu honetan, machine learning-aren erabilpenaren bidez, sareari gaitasun kogniti-boak gaineratzeak datuei erantsita sarean zehar garraiatzen den protokolo-informazioa-ren maneiatzea posible egiten du. Informazio hau sarearen egoera inferitzeko erabiltzen da, disfuntzioak ekidinez eta guztirako errendimendua hobetuz. Artikulu honek sare-mailan integratutako modulu adimentsu baten diseinua aurkezten du, offline machine learning-ean oinarrituz, bideraketa funtzionalitaterako informazioa bilduz eta interpre-tatuz. Testuinguruaz kontzientea den modulu kognitibo honek monitoreatutako sare-egoeraren arabera bideraketa protokoloaren portaera manipulatzen du, horrela matxu-rak ekidinez, trafikoa orekatuz eta hobekuntza globala eskuratuz.; The specific characteristics of next generation networks entail the impossi-bility of a proper management according to the conventional networking models, due to their inability to adjust the scale, the heterogeneity and the complexity of those sce-narios. Therefore, it is necessary to define new paradigms to design and manage these emergent communication systems. At this point, adding cognitive capabilities to the network through the application of machine learning techniques makes it possible to leverage the protocol information that travels along the network attached to the data. This data is use to infer information about the state of the network and exploit it to pre-vent dysfunctions and improve the overall performance. This paper introduces the de-sign of an intelligent module integrated at network level, based on offline machine learning, to gather and interpret information to complement and support the routing functionality. This context-aware cognitive module manipulates the behaviour of the routing protocol depending on the monitored state of the network to avoid failures, bal-ance the traffic and get a global enhancement

    The use of correspondence analysis in the study of beef quality ; a case study on Parda de Montaña breed

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    The present study shows the usefulness of a multivariate technique �correspondence analysis�- for simultaneously representing continuous and categorical variables in graphical form. A comparison was made of the results of sensory tests of beef quality performed by a trained panel and by consumers. The latter included the collection of data to produce consumers profiles and the recording of a number of consumers habits. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated independently for the variables measured in both the panel and consumer tests. Two correspondence analyses were then performed: the first one involving the consumer profiles and the values of the variables measured in the consumer test, the second one to determine the relationships between the panel and consumer test scores. In the plot corresponding to the first analysis, the two axes accounted for 52.2% of the inertia and showed that age did not have an important effect on any measured variable. Consumers previous experience has been shown to be an important factor defining consumer liking of the product. In the plot for the second analysis the two axes accounted for 82.3% of the inertia and showed that there was no correspondence between overall consumer liking of the product and any of the panel variables. These results therefore suggest that the panel test is not a good predictor of consumer behaviour.El presente estudio muestra la utilidad de una técnica multivariante, el análisis de correspondencias múltiples, para representar gráficamente de manera conjunta variables categóricas y continuas. Para ello se compararon los resultados obtenidos por un panel entrenado con los resultados dados por un grupo de consumidores, ambos con las mismas muestras de carne de ternera. La prueba de consumidores incluyó el perfil del consumidor y una breve encuesta sobre sus hábitos de consumo. Se calcularon correlaciones de Spearman de manera independiente para las variables utilizadas con el panel entrenado y las variables empleadas en la prueba de consumidores. Se realizaron dos análisis de correspondencias: el primero incluía el perfil del consumidor y los valores de las variables medidas en la prueba de consumidores; el segundo se utilizó para determinar la relación entre las notas dadas por el panel y las dadas por los consumidores. En el gráfico correspondiente al primer análisis, los dos ejes explicaron el 52,2% de la inercia y mostró que la edad no tiene un efecto significativo sobre ninguna de las variables medidas, mientras que la experiencia previa del consumidor fue una variable importante a la hora de definir la aceptación del producto por parte del consumidor. En el gráfico correspondiente al segundo análisis, los dos ejes explicaron el 82,3% de la inercia y mostró que no hay correlación entre las notas de apreciación global dadas por los consumidores y ninguna de las variables medidas por el panel. Estos resultados sugieren que el panel entrenado no es un buen predictor del comportamiento del consumidor. Palabras clave adicionales: comportamiento del consumidor, correlaciones, estadística, sensorial

    A Robust Optimization Based Energy-Aware Virtual Network Function Placement Proposal for Small Cell 5G Networks with Mobile Edge Computing Capabilities

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    In the context of cloud-enabled 5G radio access networks with network function virtualization capabilities, we focus on the virtual network function placement problem for a multitenant cluster of small cells that provide mobile edge computing services. Under an emerging distributed network architecture and hardware infrastructure, we employ cloud-enabled small cells that integrate microservers for virtualization execution, equipped with additional hardware appliances. We develop an energy-aware placement solution using a robust optimization approach based on service demand uncertainty in order to minimize the power consumption in the system constrained by network service latency requirements and infrastructure terms. Then, we discuss the results of the proposed placement mechanism in 5G scenarios that combine several service flavours and robust protection values. Once the impact of the service flavour and robust protection on the global power consumption of the system is analyzed, numerical results indicate that our proposal succeeds in efficiently placing the virtual network functions that compose the network services in the available hardware infrastructure while fulfilling service constraints.The research leading to these results has been supported by the EU funded H2020 5G-PPP Project SESAME (Grant Agreement 671596) and the Spanish MINECO Project 5GRANVIR (TEC2016-80090-C2-2-R)

    Assessment of PFA-100 system for the measurement of bleeding time in oral surgery

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    Los métodos diagnósticos habituales para conocer la hemostasia primaria han sido calificados como cruentos, dependientes del operador, de difícil reproducción y en ocasiones no muy fiables. Es por ello que se han propuesto diferentes sistemas para valorar el tiempo de hemorragia, siendo uno de ellos el dispositivo PFA-100, el cual presentamos en este trabajo. Objetivo: Comparar la especificidad entre el método tradicional Ivy con el sistema PFA-100 para la determinación del tiempo de hemorragia. Material y método: Obtuvimos una muestra de 33 pacientes de entre 24-80 años en tratamiento antiplaquetario a los cuales se debía realizar una cirugía oral. Se les realizó un tiempo de hemorragia mediante el método Ivy , un INR mediante una analítica realizada el mismo día y un Coagucheck una hora antes de la cirugía así como la determinación del tiempo de sangrado mediante el dispositivo PFA-100. Resultados: El valor medio del tiempo de hemorragia mediante el método Ivy fue de 406.36 sg. El tiempo de hemorragia medio con el sistema PFA-100 para el cartucho de colágeno/epinefrina fue de 226.91 sg. y para el cartucho de colágeno/ ADP fue de 110.27 sg. Todos estos valores se encuentran dentro de la normalidad. Observamos desviaciones típicas muy altas con el método Ivy y más regulares para el sistema PFA-100 indicando una mayor especificidad del mismo. Obtuvimos también una gran correlación entre el cartucho colágeno/epinefrina y el ácido acetil salicílico. Conclusiones: Encontramos una mayor especificidad del analizador de función plaquetaria PFA-100 para la medición del tiempo de hemorragia en relación con el método tradicional Ivy

    Analysis of PALB2 Gene in BRCA1/BRCA2 Negative Spanish Hereditary Breast/Ovarian Cancer Families with Pancreatic Cancer Cases

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    Background: The PALB2 gene, also known as FANCN, forms a bond and co-localizes with BRCA2 in DNA repair. Germline mutations in PALB2 have been identified in approximately 1% of familial breast cancer and 3-4% of familial pancreatic cancer. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of PALB2 mutations in a population of BRCA1/BRCA2 negative breast cancer patients selected from either a personal or family history of pancreatic cancer. Methods: 132 non-BRCA1/BRCA2 breast/ovarian cancer families with at least one pancreatic cancer case were included in the study. PALB2 mutational analysis was performed by direct sequencing of all coding exons and intron/exon boundaries, as well as multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Results: Two PALB2 truncating mutations, the c.1653T>A (p.Tyr551Stop) previously reported, and c.3362del (p.Gly1121ValfsX3) which is a novel frameshift mutation, were identified. Moreover, several PALB2 variants were detected; some of them were predicted as pathological by bioinformatic analysis. Considering truncating mutations, the prevalence rate of our population of BRCA1/2-negative breast cancer patients with pancreatic cancer is 1.5%. Conclusions: The prevalence rate of PALB2 mutations in non-BRCA1/BRCA2 breast/ovarian cancer families, selected from either a personal or family pancreatic cancer history, is similar to that previously described for unselected breast/ovarian cancer families. Future research directed towards identifying other gene(s) involved in the development of breast/pancreatic cancer families is required

    New forms of masculinity in Western films: The end of the Marlboro Man?

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    Westerns are one of the most masculine and stereotypical of film genres. In a social and film context where gender equality is increasingly important, it is worth looking at the evolution of the genre in recent years. Especially because, as André Bazin said, the Western is “cinema par excellence” (1966) and its analysis allows a reflection on cinema itself. Taking the figure of the Marlboro Man as a prototype, this study carries out an analysis of three selected case studies: Brokeback Mountain, Jane Got a Gun and Godless, two films and a miniseries with main characters that do not follow heteronormative masculinity. Ang Lee’s work broke new ground not only in Westerns but also in industrial cinema by making homosexuality visible, while Gavin O’Connor’s showed the possibility of a woman playing the leading role in a classic Western. The miniseries produced by Netflix combines both by giving leading roles to female characters, some of them gay, while reflecting on homosexuality. It was noted that the portrayal of masculinity in Western films remains valid in all three cases, but it allows women and homosexuals to access leading roles, often by acquiring typically masculine attributes

    5G framework for automated network adaptation in mission critical services

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Mission Critical Services (MCS) are gaining interest among network operators to offer alternative communications than conventional trunked radio systems. They promise a simplified management of cloud and radio resources for service deployment. However, the network capabilities should be adapted for the changing conditions, to assure low-latency and reliability for such applications. This paper presents an on-going work on utilising 5G technology for Mission Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT) services. It describes some design elements and evaluates 5G ESSENCE architecture that enable mission critical applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft